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parmhan 发表于 2013-3-29 17:06:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

E/RILD    ( 2160): Opening tty device /dev/ttyUSB0
E/RILC    ( 2160): RIL_register: RIL version 3
E/RILD    ( 2160): PPPD manager thread create success!
E/RILD    ( 2160): ztemt : opening AT interface: /dev/ttyUSB0. retrying...
E/RILD    ( 2160): dog started .
E/RILD    ( 2160): PPPD manager started .
E/RILD    ( 2160): ztemt : opening AT interface: /dev/ttyUSB0. retrying...
E/RILD    ( 2160): EVENT_DOG_ETIMEDOUT net_connect= 0,stat=0,redial=0,ping=0
E/RILD    ( 2160): ztemt : opening AT interface: /dev/ttyUSB0. retrying...
E/RILD    ( 2160): EVENT_DOG_ETIMEDOUT net_connect= 0,stat=0,redial=0,ping=0
E/RILD    ( 2160): ztemt : opening AT interface: /dev/ttyUSB0. retrying...
E/RILD    ( 2160): EVENT_DOG_ETIMEDOUT net_connect= 0,stat=0,redial=0,ping=0
E/RILD    ( 2160): ztemt : opening AT interface: /dev/ttyUSB0. retrying...
E/RILD    ( 2160): EVENT_DOG_ETIMEDOUT net_connect= 0,stat=0,redial=0,ping=0
E/RILD    ( 2160): ztemt : opening AT interface: /dev/ttyUSB0. retrying...
E/RILD    ( 2160): EVENT_DOG_ETIMEDOUT net_connect= 0,stat=0,redial=0,ping=0
D/RILB    ( 2566): /proc/cmdline=noinitrd root=/dev/mtdblock3 rootfstype=yaffs2 init=/init console=ttySAC0 lcd=X800Y480
D/RILB    ( 2566): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
E/RILD    ( 2160): ztemt : opening AT interface: /dev/ttyUSB0. retrying...
E/RILD    ( 2160): EVENT_DOG_ETIMEDOUT net_connect= 0,stat=0,redial=0,ping=0
D/RILB    ( 2566): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
I/PHONE   ( 2566): Network Mode set to 0
D/RILB    ( 2566): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
I/PHONE   ( 2566): lteOnCdma is 0 use SUBSCRIPTION_FROM_NV
I/PHONE   ( 2566): Cdma Subscription set to 1
D/RILJ    ( 2566): RIL(context, preferredNetworkType=0 cdmaSubscription=1)
D/RILJ    ( 2566): Starting RILReceiver
I/RILC    ( 2160): libril: new connection
I/RILC    ( 2160): RIL Daemon version: ztemt @ version beta3 GSM
I/RILJ    ( 2566): Connected to 'rild' socket
D/RILJ    ( 2566): [0000]> RADIO_POWER off
E/RILD    ( 2160): onRequest: RADIO_POWER
E/RILD    ( 2160): onRequest: RIL_E_RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE 1.
E/RILD    ( 2160): onRequest: RIL_E_RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE 1.
E/RILD    ( 2160): onRequest: RIL_E_RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE 1.
D/RILJ    ( 2566): [0000]< RADIO_POWER error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
D/RILJ    ( 2566): [0001]< REQUEST_SET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
D/RILJ    ( 2566): [0002]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
I/PHONE   ( 2566): Creating GSMPhone
D/PHONE   ( 2566): mDoesRilSendMultipleCallRing=true
D/PHONE   ( 2566): mCallRingDelay=3000
D/RILJ    ( 2566): setPhoneType=1 old value=0
D/SMS     ( 2566): SMSDispatcher: ctor mSmsCapable=true format=3gpp mSmsReceiveDisabled=false mSmsSendDisabled=false
W/GSM     ( 2566): Can't open /system/etc/voicemail-conf.xml
W/GSM     ( 2566): Can't open /system/etc/spn-conf.xml
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set mDependencyMet as false, for type default, current state is true
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set enabled as true, for type default, current state is false
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] applyNewState(default, true(true), true(false))
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set reason as dependencyMet, for type default,current state IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set enabled as true, for type default, current state is true
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set mDependencyMet as true, for type default, current state is false
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] trySetupData for type:default due to dependencyMet
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] trySetupData with mIsPsRestricted=false
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability skipped apn due to isReady==false: state=IDLE apnType=default
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set mDependencyMet as false, for type mms, current state is true
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] applyNewState(mms, false(false), true(false))
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set enabled as false, for type mms, current state is false
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set mDependencyMet as true, for type mms, current state is false
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set mDependencyMet as false, for type supl, current state is true
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] applyNewState(supl, false(false), true(false))
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set enabled as false, for type supl, current state is false
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set mDependencyMet as true, for type supl, current state is false
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set mDependencyMet as false, for type hipri, current state is true
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] applyNewState(hipri, false(false), true(false))
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set enabled as false, for type hipri, current state is false
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set mDependencyMet as true, for type hipri, current state is false
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set mDependencyMet as false, for type fota, current state is true
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] applyNewState(fota, false(false), true(false))
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set enabled as false, for type fota, current state is false
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set mDependencyMet as true, for type fota, current state is false
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set mDependencyMet as false, for type ims, current state is true
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] applyNewState(ims, false(false), true(false))
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set enabled as false, for type ims, current state is false
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set mDependencyMet as true, for type ims, current state is false
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set mDependencyMet as false, for type cbs, current state is true
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] applyNewState(cbs, false(false), true(false))
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set enabled as false, for type cbs, current state is false
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set mDependencyMet as true, for type cbs, current state is false
D/RILJ    ( 2566): [0003]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS
E/RILD    ( 2160): onRequest: GET_CURRENT_CALLS
E/RILD    ( 2160): onRequest: RIL_E_RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE 1.
D/RILJ    ( 2566): [0003]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmSST] Poll ServiceState done:  oldSS=[1 home null null null  Unknown:0 CSS not supported 0 0 RoamInd=0 DefRoamInd=0 EmergOnly=false] newSS=[1 home null null null  Unknown:0 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] oldGprs=1 newData=1 oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1 oldType=Unknown:0 newType=Unknown:0
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmSST] updateSpnDisplay: changed sending intent rule=2 showPlmn='false' plmn='null' showSpn='false' spn='null'
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270342 when=-1s902ms obj=android.os.AsyncResult@411556a0 }
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] onRadioOffOrNotAvailable: is off and clean up all connections
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] cleanUpAllConnections: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff
 楼主| parmhan 发表于 2013-3-29 17:08:02 | 显示全部楼层
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set reason as radioTurnedOff, for type fota,current state IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] cleanUpConnection: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] setState: IDLE for type fota, previous state:IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(fota): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:fota
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set reason as radioTurnedOff, for type supl,current state IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] cleanUpConnection: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] setState: IDLE for type supl, previous state:IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(supl): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:supl
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set reason as radioTurnedOff, for type hipri,current state IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] cleanUpConnection: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] setState: IDLE for type hipri, previous state:IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(hipri): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:hipri
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set reason as radioTurnedOff, for type ims,current state IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] cleanUpConnection: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] setState: IDLE for type ims, previous state:IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(ims): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:ims
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set reason as radioTurnedOff, for type default,current state IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] cleanUpConnection: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] setState: IDLE for type default, previous state:IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(default): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=true apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:default
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set reason as radioTurnedOff, for type mms,current state IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] cleanUpConnection: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] setState: IDLE for type mms, previous state:IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(mms): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:mms
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set reason as radioTurnedOff, for type cbs,current state IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] cleanUpConnection: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] setState: IDLE for type cbs, previous state:IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(cbs): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:cbs
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] stopNetStatPoll
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:fota
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(fota): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:fota
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:supl
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(supl): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:supl
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:hipri
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(hipri): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:hipri
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:ims
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(ims): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:ims
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability skipped apn due to isReady==false: state=IDLE apnType=default
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:mms
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(mms): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:mms
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:cbs
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(cbs): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:cbs
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270345 when=-2s492ms obj=android.os.AsyncResult@41163000 }
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] onDataConnectionDetached: stop polling and notify detached
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] stopNetStatPoll
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyDataConnection: reason=dataDetached
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyDataConnection: type:default
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(default): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=true apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:default
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:fota
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(fota): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:fota
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:supl
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(supl): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:supl
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:hipri
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(hipri): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:hipri
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:ims
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(ims): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:ims
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability skipped apn due to isReady==false: state=IDLE apnType=default
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:mms
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(mms): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
 楼主| parmhan 发表于 2013-3-29 17:08:35 | 显示全部楼层
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:mms
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:cbs
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(cbs): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:cbs
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270348 when=-2s633ms obj=android.os.AsyncResult@41163158 }
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] onRoamingOff
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:fota
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(fota): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:fota
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:supl
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(supl): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:supl
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:hipri
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(hipri): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:hipri
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:ims
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(ims): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:ims
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability skipped apn due to isReady==false: state=IDLE apnType=default
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:mms
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(mms): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:mms
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:cbs
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(cbs): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:cbs
D/GSM     ( 2566): [ApnContext] set reason as roamingOff, for type default,current state IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] trySetupData for type:default due to roamingOff
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] trySetupData with mIsPsRestricted=false
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:fota
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(fota): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:fota
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:supl
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(supl): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:supl
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:hipri
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(hipri): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:hipri
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:ims
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(ims): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:ims
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability skipped apn due to isReady==false: state=IDLE apnType=default
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:mms
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(mms): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:mms
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:cbs
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(cbs): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:cbs
D/GSM     ( 2566): [IccCard] Broadcasting intent ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED NOT_READY reason null
E/RILD    ( 2160): ztemt : opening AT interface: /dev/ttyUSB0. retrying...
E/RILD    ( 2160): EVENT_DOG_ETIMEDOUT net_connect= 0,stat=0,redial=0,ping=0
E/RILD    ( 2160): ztemt : opening AT interface: /dev/ttyUSB0. retrying...
E/RILD    ( 2160): EVENT_DOG_ETIMEDOUT net_connect= 0,stat=0,redial=0,ping=0
E/RILD    ( 2160): ztemt : opening AT interface: /dev/ttyUSB0. retrying...
E/RILD    ( 2160): EVENT_DOG_ETIMEDOUT net_connect= 0,stat=0,redial=0,ping=0
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270368 when=0 arg1=1 }
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270368 when=0 arg1=1 }
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded
E/RILD    ( 2160): ztemt : opening AT interface: /dev/ttyUSB0. retrying...
E/RILD    ( 2160): EVENT_DOG_ETIMEDOUT net_connect= 0,stat=0,redial=0,ping=0
TQ-lkp 发表于 2013-3-29 18:10:37 | 显示全部楼层
Jangel 发表于 2013-4-1 10:44:18 | 显示全部楼层
parmhan 发表于 2013-3-29 17:08
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:mms
D/GSM     ( 2566): [GsmDCT] notifyOf ...

TQ-lkp 发表于 2013-4-1 10:46:28 | 显示全部楼层
huang301 发表于 2013-4-2 20:15:48 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| parmhan 发表于 2013-4-7 15:09:59 | 显示全部楼层
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